SoCal Shop Hop 2009 - Passports on Sale Now!
Shop Hop is August 7-23, 2009
The 3rd Annual SoCal Shop Hop begins August 7th. With over 40 scrapbook and craft stores signed up to participate its sure to be a success! Last year, we had 25 customers participate and the feedback was very positive. Their highlights included being with friends, seeing the other stores and of course getting such a good discount!
To participate, you will need to purchase a Shop Hop Passport at Treasured Memories for $9.99 by June 12th. The price increases to $14.99 on June 13th, so save some money and buy yours early.
Your passport entitles you to a 15% discount at ALL of the Shop Hop stores during this three-week event.
Receive 20% off at all participating stores when you display your passport, lanyard and Shop Hop lapel pin! Make-n-takes are planned at each store as well as raffle prizes and a grand prize!
To stay up-to-date with prizes and discounts visit